Market Growth and Transition – for Corporate Teams
Faced with an unforgiving technology adoption lifecycle, new skills and insights are needed at key inflection points. Strategy update workshops or talent additions may be needed. Here are some examples of areas where we can help.
Market Strategy: Assess, update and re-align for growth
As your market evolves, strategy needs to adapt. The technology adoption lifecycle places some tough pressure on your organization. Choices such as partners, sales channels and pricing need an update and we provide unique expertise to guide you.
Sales Funnel: Process design and tools update
Sales teams need a structure for effectiveness, and putting in more proposals will not always work. Why? The unique conditions of your competitive market can be better understood in terms of business and budget drivers, and we can help you discover new ways to unblock stalled deals, and have your team equipped with the process, tools, and motivation for success.
Sales Team: Talent, training, and motivation
As your market evolves, your mix of sales talent, partners and channels may need a review, and we can assess your management approach, including KPIs and incentives, to set up a tailored program to support your growth.
Market segmentation, partners and market evolution
Who is your immediate target buyer? Do you have the razor sharp focus needed to beat the competition in that segment? We have the expertise to help you clarify multiple market opportunities, and sequence them as your own bowling alley design, leading to better positioning, teamwork and growth.
Fixing the forecast: Plan ahead with much more accurate forecasting
Accurate B2B forecasts are notoriously difficult to provide. When sales team members are better focusing on their individual funnel health using our bias reduction techniques, sales management can provide better planning data to build forecasts for bookings, billings and recurring revenue.
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